#poly!azris x reader
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potatoplace · 8 days ago
💖 Valentine's Collection 2025: One Room at The Inn 💖
Azris x Reader
Summary: After spending two months helping to rebuild an Autumn settlement with Azriel and Eris, you're nearly home to the Forest House. The three of you decide to spend the night at an inn, where there's only one room, with one bed.
Warnings: none! ☺️
Words: 1,155
Author's Note: this was fuuuun yes yes I like it. Az and Eris being soft bois 🥹 I hope you guys like it!! Read it on AO3!
18+ only pls
Eris’s eyes were flaming when he returned to your and Azriel’s sides, only one key held in his hand. “They only had the one room, and it’s only got one bed,” he huffed.
Heat rushed to your cheeks at the thought of spending the night in the same room as them, let alone the same bed.
“We’ll sleep on the floor,” Azriel said softly, a hand already rubbing your upper back to soothe you. “I will do no such thi-” Eris started, before cutting himself off. But when you turned to look at Azriel, his face was soft, no hint of a threat lingering that would’ve been able to shut Eris up. “Yes, alright, we will sleep on the floor, bunny. Now, let’s get you upstairs and into the bath first,” he fussed, extending an arm for you to take. You took it gladly, and let Eris lead you to the room the three of you would be sharing for the night, on your last day before returning to the Forest House. Azriel trailed behind you a few steps, but always in reach in case you needed his help.
The room was nice enough, with floor space for the males to sleep on… Though you felt rather guilty about that, knowing how much more they’d been doing than you had on the trip.
You had been picked by the Lady of Autumn, Eris’s mother, herself to oversee the rebuilding of a town on the edge of the Autumn-Winter border that had been all but wiped out by a landslide after record rainfalls in the height of autumn.
Somehow you’d been lucky enough to be given the Autumn Heir as your partner for the journey, and he’d elected to bring his friend, the Shadowsinger along.
For two months now, you’d been in close quarters with the males, their scents and appearances driving you mad. It didn’t help that the two of them were warm and caring towards only you, and seemed to put your needs above their own at every turn.
And now you were to sleep in the same room as them?
You were bound to have a dream about the two of them, with their scents so strong around you, and how embarrassing would it be for the Heir of Autumn and the Night Court’s Spymaster to bear witness to such a thing?
You were so overtaken with anxieties that you didn’t notice that Eris and Azriel had left, leaving you alone to take a bath and warm up after freeing yourself from your rain soaked clothing. You stripped down to your chemise and underthings, putting the rest of your clothes on the provided hangers, hoping that they would be dry enough to be comfortable in the morning.
You slipped your underwear off as well, hanging it with your socks and praying to the mother that the males wouldn’t notice, or at least would have the decency to not mention them.
Now, though, you ventured into the small attached bathroom, touched to see that a tub of water had already been filled for you, licks of steam rising from its surface. You pulled off your chemise, hung it on the hook on the back of the door, and sank into the water, sighing as heat began seeping back into your bones. This, at least, was worth having to share the room with Eris and Azriel.
You’d nearly finished scrubbing yourself clean when a knock sounded on the door. “Yes?”
“Y/N, I brought you a nightgown, if you’d like,” Eris said softly from the other side. Really?
“Oh, that would be lovely, Eris. You can set it on the counter, please,” you replied, sinking below the water to try and preserve whatever was left of your modesty. He opened the door, amber eyes flicking over to you for a moment before darting away, the smallest hints of a blush on his cheeks.
Maybe you weren’t the only on affected by this arrangement.
He left the nightgown on the counter as you’d asked, you giving your thanks before he practically bolted out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
A minute later you heard talking in the other room, and you assumed that Azriel had returned from wherever he’d gone.
You finished bathing in the next minute and reluctantly pulled yourself from the warm water and began to dry yourself with a fluffy towel before approaching the nightgown Eris had brought for you. Having a fresh set of clothes would let your chemise dry properly overnight, and you’d be saved the discomfort of sleeping in wet clothing. And the nightgown itself was very nice, made of a dark red silk and trimmed with soft white lace on the collar, hem, and sleeves. It fit you like a dream as well, nicer than anything you had worn in the past two months of hard work in the fields. And it was dry.
“Thank you, Eris,” you said softly when you exited the bathroom.
“Of course, bunny. I thought you might like some dry clothing for the night,” he replied before patting the seat next to him. “Come, Azriel brought us dinner.”
You took the seat next to him and across from Azriel, smiling at the offering of a hearty stew and fresh bread before tucking in.
Over the next hour the two of them bathed as well, coming out looking refreshed, cheeks flushed from the steam.
Soon enough it was late enough the three of you had agreed to try and sleep, the two of them taking their places on the floor, a blanket and pillow snagged from the bed for each of them.
You tried to sleep - you really, really tried - but after an hour of hearing Azriel’s wings rustle, and Eris’s tired and frustrated breathing, you cracked. Plus, without the extra bedding, you were feeling a bit chilled.
“The two of you can come up here,” you said in a small voice, surprised to hear both of them get up in an instant.
“Thank the mother, it’s cold down there,” Eris grumbled as he slid into bed in front of you, arms placed awkwardly as he tried not to touch you.
“Baby,” Azriel grunted as he took the spot behind you, his chest instantly warming your back and wing folding over the top of you, covering Eris as well. He hesitantly allowed his arm to loop around your waist, though he didn’t pull you closer like you secretly desired.
Their scents were so strong around you now, Azriel’s night mist and cedar smell mixing perfectly with Eris’s scent of embers and sweet vanilla.
You felt… At home, between them.
Your eyes started to feel heavy now, deep breaths into your lungs calming you even further. You stirred slightly when Eris finally let his arm wrap over you, his hand rubbing softly along your spine.
Between the two of them…
You felt safe.
General Taglist: @daughterofthemoons-stuff @lilah-asteria @meritxellao @twismare @wrenisrad
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azsazz · 1 year ago
Friend or Foe
Eris x Azriel x Reader
Summary: I mixed these two anon requests together, and hopefully it went alright :) "I was just thinking about Azriel beging a mate with a mother of dragons (like in game of thrones) ot would be so powerful... like, sm" and "Request! A Eris x Archeron!yn fic. Imagine a prythian where the high lords are not good and friendly with each other and are now planning a war over one another to take down the court next to them and rule over. Now after a LOT of convincing Autum Court and Night court are forced in a alliance between each other because of yn. Now imagine if one of them sabotages the alliance! What will happen? Who will yn choose? Will she be able to choose between her sisters and mate?"
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2,901
Notes: The beginning is kinda shit but I wanted to share anyway.
You sigh softly, admiring your mate in his sleep. His unruly amber hair splays across the fluffy pillow beneath his head, and the strong smattering of freckles dot his cheeks like embers, glowing in the morning light.
He has one arm thrown across his eyes, blocking the warm sun that’s peeking in the windows. You’d forgotten to draw the curtains last night, after Eris had growled at the handmaidens to remove themselves from his chambers as he took you to the bed and ravaged you all night, not having seen you for moons now. 
He’d been so excited to see you, though he wouldn’t let Azriel catch him in that state, no matter if they were also connected by the bond. An unfortunate thing, that the alliance between the two courts was not stronger, and it sometimes felt as if you were the only reason the deal was made in the first place. 
As if sensing your gaze on him, he blinks awake sleepily, a smile gracing his gorgeous face when he catches you looking.
“Good morning, fawn.”
“Good morning, mate.”
His smile widens at that, and he rolls over, scooping you under his body as he cages you in. You squeal, accepting the warmth of his body and the plethora of kisses he presses to your skin. You’re enjoying each other’s happiness this morning.
“I want to show you something,” he says suddenly, drawing away from you. You puff a laugh, brushing his hair back from his eyes. He’s positively giddy, an emotion you don’t usually see on your mate, but you’re thankful for his mood this morning. 
“Okay,” you grin, “Where are we going?”
He presses a kiss to your mouth and pushes himself from bed, dragging you up with him. “I can’t tell you,” he answers, but he’s beaming, moving around the room like he’s just been named High Lord. “I only ask that you wear something you can walk in.”
What Eris shows you takes your breath away.
He takes you through the forest, so deep into the woods that you have to take horses, and after you tie them to a tree to wait, its still a few miles to get to where he wants. 
You enjoy it though, the serenity of the woodland around you, hand tucked in the warmth of your mates, and you don’t understand why Eris is stopping you in the middle of a clearing until he’s gesturing down to your feet.
You gasp, taking a step back at the sight of three large eggs, huddled together near the edge of the clearing.
“What is this?” You ask, in disbelief. They’re the largest eggs you’ve ever seen, and you don’t recognize the coloring one bit.
Eris leans down, his hands wrapping around your waist to pull you into his body. “Dragons.”
“Dragons?” you repeat, grasping onto his forearms. But dragons are a myth, creatures that have been extinct and unheard of for centuries, millenia even. “But how—”
“I don’t know,” your mate answers, squeezing you tight. “I found them when I missed you and was wandering deep in the forest. They can help us win the war.”
Yes, yes, they would be able to help win the war. You’re over the moon excited about your mates finding, even though the creatures might be too uncontrollable and young to be such a big part of this upcoming war.
“We have to tell Az, we have to—”
“We can’t.” 
You tear your gaze from the sight, furrowing your brows up at him.
“What do you mean we can’t tell Azriel?” you pull away. Your stomach twists into tight knots, and when Eris tries to reach out for you, you take a step back. His mouth firms and his hand drops to his side, sizzling in the quiet forest around you. “Eris, this could win the war.”
“I know,” he answers, voice harsh. He hadn’t shown you this to share it with your other mate, but to excite you instead, show you how much better off, how much safer you are in his court, with his smokehounds, with his dragons, and with him to protect you. None of those Illyrian swill, with their thin wings and long swords. They were hot headed creatures, more so than any autumn court general he’s seen, and he doesn’t think that Azriel can care for you as well as he can. He sure as hell knows that no one in the Night Court cares for you, they only pretend because you’re Azriel’s mate. 
“What are you saying then?” you ask, voice trembling. You curl your fingers into your thick skirts, suddenly hot under the Autumn sun. You don’t like the way your mate is speaking, like their alliance won’t be honored and instead, they’ll aim for their allies. “That you’ll attack the Night Court?”
Eris stays quiet and your throat aches with emotion. Tears spring to your eyes and you try to shove them away, try to keep your betrayal from leaking down the bond to either of your mates, but Azriel always keeps close tabs on you, and he feels the ache in his body as if it’s him who is feeling all of these conflicting emotions.
What’s going on? He sends to both you and Eris. He knows something is upsetting you, that you’re hurting, but he doesn’t know if Eris is the one doing it or has the situation under control, so he reaches out to the both of you for answers. Are you okay?
Eris flinches at the sound of the shadowsinger in his head. His fiery eyes are both a warning and disappointment. He had hoped to show you this to sway you on your stance in the war, to explain to you how they could never be allies with the Night Court and never would be. That you shouldn’t risk the chance of death to be by Azriel’s side in battle, but flying high in the skies with him, nearly untouchable to the soldiers below.
He shakes his head silently, pleading with you not to let the information slip. You’d be a traitor to your mate, your High Lord, to your court. 
You would be his enemy. 
Tears slip down your cheeks, hot and stinging as they roll down your red cheeks. You can’t do this, you can’t lie to your mate like this, even if he is from a rival court. But as far as the Night Court knows, they have an alliance—it’s why you’re free to spend time with both mates in their respective courts. But now…now you’re not quite sure what to think, where you stand in this war at all.
I’m alright, Az, you send back to him and Eris’ shoulders slump in relief.
You know that Azriel is only responding to you because Eris is stepping closer and reaching a hand out to comfort you, but you still can’t believe him, and you step back from his grasp, inching closer to the dragon eggs behind you. Then why are you so upset, my love?
Eris’ amber gaze flickers to the precious creatures behind you, and you’re quick to respond to your Night Court mate, I can’t talk now, Azriel, there’s something I need to do. I will reach out when I can, and I love you so much.
You realize that it sounds like a goodbye, but you shut that part of your mind away, pushing him from your thoughts to focus on your other mate, standing before you. 
“My fathers plans have not been flushed out yet, but I assume taking the territory of the Night Court is on the list of what he’s willing to accomplish by the end of this war,” Eris explains to you.
Your stomach bottoms out. You can’t believe he’s telling you this. You can’t believe he’s going along with this.
“Is it because of Azriel?” you ask, but it's no louder than a whisper as the thought takes root in your mind. Did Eris agree to infiltrate the Night Court to try and get rid of your other mate? So that he could be your only fate?
If he does accomplish something like that, you will never forgive him.
Eris’ gaze softens, as if he knows the direction of your thoughts. “No,” his voice is gentle, like that of a crisp orange leaf falling from the trees around you. The long grass rustles beneath your feet and the chill sends shivers down your spine. Eris reaches out again, trying to take your hand, to comfort his mate in need, but you’re having none of him right now, and it stings. “It’s because of my father.”
“So kill him,” you plead, desperately, and Eris flinches. Crows flee the clearing at your screams, and your desperation grows thickly in the sunlight space. “You can’t do this to them! To us!”
Your name is a sigh of frustration on his lips and it makes you still, heart pounding in your chest as your anger flares. Eris is distraught, you can see it in the purple rings beneath his eyes, the despair in his eyes, how he runs his fingers through his hair, pulling on it as if it holds all of the solutions to his problem. 
“Do you think I want this?” His voice is laced with smoke and the grass around his feet burst into flames. It makes you ache for him, but you don’t understand what’s going on, and Eris can’t seem to explain it to you. “The last thing I want is to take you from your other mate,” he gasps, but when you open your mouth to try and calm him down, to stop him from burning down the clearing around you, he continues. “I don’t care that he’s your mate too, I don’t care. I would never take him from you nor you from him.”
“Eris,” you try, “Then tell me what’s going on.”
He collapses to his knees as he tries to explain but the words are as tangled on his tongue as they are in his mind. He can’t get his head straight, he doesn’t know what to do, how to stop any of this. “I—”
He’s interrupted by the sound of cracking. It ricochets through the forest, through the grasses, and silences the both of you. You turn on your heel, staring down at the dragon eggs you’ve stepped so close to.
Eris whispers your name, calm and stern, “Come over here.”
But you don’t dare move, don’t dare to breathe as you watch the delicate shells of the eggs shatter, shifting with the movement of the creatures inside. 
A green head pokes its head through blinking a few times to get its bearings. The dragon is awfully cute, bits of shell and liquid covering its tiny head as it peeks around, getting its first glimpse of the world.
It caws and leans down to nudge at its siblings. One of the other eggs rustles but the other days motionless, not yet ready to wake and enter the world. 
You want to coo at the little thing, even though you know it's probably dangerous, but its bright eyes stare up at you when it realizes its siblings aren’t far from waking. It shuffles from its shell, stumbling over big paws, adorned with razor sharp claws. It squawks at you again, bounding through the tall grass towards you, and Eris whispers your name again, his hand gentle on your lower back as he tries to usher you away. 
He’s in disbelief. A part of him didn’t think that the eggs would hatch at all, that he wouldn’t have to give the creatures to his father, to use them in the war, but there are no thoughts in his head when the dragon approaches you.
Ignoring Eris’ pleas to back away, you crouch down to its level. The green creature blinks at you again, and behind it, a black tail pops out of another shell, its arrowhead shaped bottom whipping at the shell to crack it further, impatient from being stuck inside its own shell.
The green dragon makes an impatient noise, flames sparking at its mouth as your attention is occupied. “Okay, okay, little one,” you soothe, bringing your attention back to the creature intrigued by you. You reach a hand out and Eris draws in a sharp breath. He looks like he’s ready to drag you out of the clearing but he’s already hurt you enough, and he wants you to be happy. “Welcome to the world.” 
It sniffs your hand before nuzzling into you. Your face splits in a grin, and you reach out to pet along its scaly body. It’s unlike anything you’ve seen before, and you already know that when they’re fully grown, they will be the sway in any war, let alone what side you’re on. 
Its sibling saunters over, sniffing at Eris and turning its back on him with a growl. Eris deflates a little, but there’s still one more egg waiting to hatch, and maybe it will like him. 
The black dragon sniffs your hand, eyeing you curiously, cocking its head. Maybe it can smell Azriel on your skin. You were in the Night Court yesterday. The green dragon nips at the other, and you wonder what their genders are, the grass too long for you to see. 
But Eris can tell, somehow. He’s had experience, delivering his shadowhounds’ pups, and he tells you softly, “The green one is a male, and the black, a female.” 
“They’re beautiful,” you say, completely enthralled by the two dragons before you. The green one nuzzles into you again, before catching your hand in its jaws.
You gasp as its sharp yet soft teeth break your skin. Eris swears, planting his hands on your shoulders as if to rip you away from the creature, but you stop him, planting your free hand over his own. It doesn’t hurt that badly, and it's just a curious baby, you let the dragon be.
But he’s not biting you just because he doesn’t know any better. You’re the first fae he’s seen, and he likes the smell of you, the feeling of your intentions in the air. You’d been scared, and he’d felt it inside of his egg. He knew you needed help.
He’s claiming you. 
From the jaw of the dragon, green lines crawl up your arm like blood in your veins. They wrap around your forearm and you gasp at the intricacies it winds into, creating a weave of vines that stop at your elbow. It's a unique mark, you’re his as much as he is yours.
“I think he’s just imprinted on me,” you breathe as the dragon lets go and curls around your calves. The black dragon beats its tail against the ground, uninterested in what her brother is doing, and even less interested in Eris.
“What are you going to name him?” your mate asks, eyes shining pridefully at you. He’s a little hurt that the black dragon won’t give him the time of day, but there’s still hope for the last egg, which the female dragon saunters over to, nipping at the shell to rouse its last sibling.
“Zephyr,” you answer, and you don’t even have to think about it, you know that this name belongs to your dragon. He purrs in response, brushing against you.
His sibling breaks through the shell of the last dragon, waking the golden scaled creature from its slumber. It caws in annoyance, but the female is having none of it, snapping at him to get him moving from the shell. 
The beautiful gold dragon gleams in the sun, and Eris knows immediately that this dragon belongs to him.
Much like yourself, Eris steps forward, letting the last sibling sniff at him, biting him. He feels his flames reaching out the dragon, feels them intertwining with his own power and the creature looks up at him in wonder. The marking by the dragon is similar to yours, a weaving of thin lines glinting gold like its scales from his elbow to hand, looking like a metallic spiderweb. 
When the dragon releases him, he snaps his fingers and the three dragons make noises of shock as a flame appears in his fingers. They sniff and snap at it, but Eris is focused only on the dragon that’s claimed him, “You like that, don’t you, Rory?” 
The golden dragon makes a noise in response that Eris takes as a good sign.
“Eris?” you ask, patting the Zephyrs stomach. Your mate looks at you with excitement glowing in his eyes and you soften, wondering if this will turn the tides of the war, make him change his mind about attacking the Night Court.
“Yes, fawn?” he answers, but you’re looking at the last dragon. She’s settled into the grass a few feet away, watching you both with untrusting eyes, even if her brothers have claimed you both as theirs. She hides in the shadows of the trees, and her glowing blue eyes remind you so much of the mate you have in the Night Court, with a matching set of stones lining his leathers.
It would make sense. There’s three dragons and there’s three of you, you and both of your mates. You have to ask, excitement stirring in your stomach. 
“Do you think she belongs to Azriel?”
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readychilledwine · 11 months ago
Mister Grumpy Pantseses
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Summary - All you wanted was a day in the vegetable garden with your husbands. Your husbands just wanted to spend the day at each other's throats.
Warnings - a bit of a communication issue trope, grumpy sunshine, reader is Tamlin's sister and uses one of his tactics, jealousy, name calling, Fluff, reader is a literal ray of joy
Prompt - Day 5 - Favorite Tropes
A/N - Happy @polyacotarweek day 5! I am running a little behind, so my other fave trope will be up later, but enjoy a little grumpy azris with their sunshine reader with a bit of miscommunication
💕Poly+ACOTAR Week Masterlist💕
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 “Fucking asshole.”
“Eris!” You pouted at your mates, sighing as they glared at each other. "Can we please have a nice breakfast? We have so much work to do in the garden if we want the vegetables ready in time to take to the hungry. We need to have energy."
Azriel grumbled an agreement while Eris rolled his eyes. “I am more than happy to spend time with you, foxling. It is that one I can't stand the sight of right now.”
“Eris, our mate is asking you to stop being an entitled, self righteous, snake for one day. Surely you can handle that.”
“You're the one who set me off this morning, Azriel. Must you always run around brooding?” You felt yourself slowly sinking into your chair. The males you love most were both tired, so very tired. They were stressed from their duties and all you wanted was to love and help them.
They had not spent time with just each other in a few weeks. Eris had been too heavily scented on their last night together. It had been Azriel's way of telling you hello, but it lingered, dancing into the air during breakfast at the Forest House the next day. You had glamored it well enough from everyone but his mother. She seemed to see through you and Eris. Almost like she knew you two were hiding something or someone. Eris had caved, telling her everything about Azriel. Her advice had been simple, protect him. 
And Eris had taken that as, “Avoid him.” 
You looked between your two glaring mates, heartbroken at how their sadness was turning to grumpiness. “I'm going to go to the garden. Maybe you two should talk.” You left before one of them could respond then smiled, warding them in the cabin. If they wouldn't talk willingly, you'd force them to!
Azriel glared at Eris, and the heir returned it fully. “Our mate, our beautiful, selfless, and kind mate is outside by herself. Working in that damned garden. Because you want to be a grumpy asshole.”
Eris looked shocked, eyes wide as his jaw dropped. “I haven't done anything! I tried to greet you last night, and you ignored me in favor of y/n. Then this morning you wouldnt even kiss me good morning!”
“Can you blame me? She at least answers when I write.” Azriel watched the hit land, watched as Eris seemed to deflate. 
“I missed you. Regardless of how you feel, I missed you.” Eris stood to go out the door and jumped back as he was shocked. “Oh you have got to be kidding me.”
Azriel felt his face fall as well, walking to the after he did and jumping back as he was shocked as well. “Took that straight out of her brother's book, didn't she?” 
Eris couldn't help but laugh. “She doesn't even know he did that. I keep her here and away from him and Rhysand lately. It would break her heart all over again."
Azriel then began to laugh too, “She hates when we are mean to each other.”
“Because the world should be sunshine and rainbows.”
“And we are grumpy.” 
The ward seemed to lessen as the two males laughed before moving to the large sliding door that overlooked your garden. You were laughing, the rays of light seeming to want to follow and dance with you. You were such a breath of air. Untouched by the cruelty of the world and sheltered. It had turned you into the happiest female the two of them had ever met. The glass was always half full in your mind if you didn't decide that it was already running over and just a teeny tiny cup. 
Being paired with them, two grumpy and brooding males, seemed unfair to you most days. You were always laughing, always making jokes, and for 300 years, Eris had protected you from it being any other way. When he had taken you to a diplomatic meeting pre-Amarantha though, that had all changed. 
The bond snapping between you and Azriel had been difficult, life changing, and rewarding. He pursued you, regardless of your known status as Eris's wife and mate, and his pursuit paid off. It had kept you safe from Amarantha, and once they all had been freed, the bond between him and Eris snapped. 
That had been a different journey. The two of them were constantly butting heads, constantly arguing, constantly making you cry. It all ended though when Eris had been brave enough to bluntly address the situation. He had pulled Azriel to him, crashing his lips down on his, and the rest became history. Where everyone else saw a fight during the High Lord's meeting, you saw foreplay. 
Azriel sighed, watching you, and then turned back to Eris. “Why did you avoid me? I worried I had hurt you.” 
“You scented me too heavily. She could hardly hide it.”
Azriel nodded, a scarred hand then taking the other male's calloused one. “Did he hurt you?”
“No. She focused on hiding it from him.”
“I am sorry.”
Eris whispered the words back before leaning his head on Azriel's shoulder. “She's so beautiful and happy.”
“You are also beautiful,” Azriel looked him over. “Though, you are as she says, a grumpy pants.”
Eris huffed. “Odd. She says the same of you.” The ward seemed to drop fully. Allowing Azriel to reach his hands out to door and slide it open. “Brat.” He muttered.
“You'll take care of that later.”
“And you will help?”
You smiled as your mates walked out before jumping with glee. “Eris! There's a bunny!”
“Yeah? I'm sure we have many bunnies, my love.”
You glared at him before turning to Azriel. “Azriel!” You paused dramatically. “There's a bunny!”
The shadowsinger looked to the heir, a small smirk on his face as you stuck your tongue out at him. “Show me, starlight.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria
Poly+ACOTAR Week Taglist
@amara-moonlight @toporecall @littlestw01f @prettylittlewrites @anuttellaa @nayaniasworld @123345566
Ps- I had to fix the tags! I apologize!
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sizzlingstarlightsky · 7 months ago
Azriel purrs when he's content
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nocasdatsgay · 11 months ago
Poly Week Masterlist
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Happy Poly Week! @polyacotarweek Links will be added to the fic posts as the days pass. Please heed the content warnings on the fic post. All fics can be read as a stand alone.
You are responsible for what content you consume.
I made a key to give an idea of what to expect:
❤️‍🔥- smut
🥀- slight emotional/mental angst (all stories have happy endings)
Day One Beginnings: And Then There Were Three
A Neapolitan Bonds Fic: You are invited to the Autumn celebrations as an emissary of Dawn. The High Lord’s mate invites you to meet him after the party is over. Alternatively: The night the mating bond snapped. Pairing: Azriel/Eris/Reader ❤️‍🔥
Day Two Comfort: Even High Lords Need a Break
A Neapolitan Bonds Fic: Eris is over working himself. You and Azriel decide to make him take the hounds for a walk. Pairing: Azriel/Eris/Reader ✨🥀
Day Three Secrets: Spring Time Affairs
Flora (OC) likes to rile her husband up, especially if it means she gets to play with Elain in the process. Pairing: Tamlin/OC/Lucien/Elain ❤️‍🔥
Day Four Adventure: Sharing is Caring
A Neapolitan Bonds Fic: Azriel has a surprise for you after the ball at Hewn City. The surprise is Rhysand and Feyre. Pairings: Azriel/Eris/Reader, Feysand, Reader/Feyre, Azriel/Rhysand ❤️‍🔥
Day Five Favorite Tropes: The Siren’s Song
Nesta Cassian and Azriel go to the middle to investigate an illegal trade route that is involved in some assaults in the Court of Nightmares. But instead of a headquarters they stumble upon the very field that’s being harvested. CW for Sex Pollen Pairing: Cassian/Azriel/Nesta ❤️‍🔥🥀
Day Six Celebration: The Rite of Spring
A Spring Time Affairs fic. A Calanmai fic. Tamlin and Flora complete the rite, going to find their loves once it is done and the next day help with cleaning up the festivities. Pairing: Tamlin/OC/Lucien/Elain ❤️‍🔥
Day Seven Free Day: Baby of Mine
A Spring Time Affairs Fic: After Calanmai and forgetting to take the tea, Flora is pregnant. The problem is, she doesn’t know if Tamlin or Lucien is the father. CW Pregnancy Pairing: Tamlin/OC/ Elain/Lucien✨🥀
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polysjmweek · 4 months ago
Poly + ACOTAR Week Prompts 2025
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Day 1 - 4/6: Whose court is it anyway?
This can go so many ways! What was your groups courtship like? Who courted who? Are they from different courts, and if so how does that affect their relationship? 
Day 2 - 4/7: Reveal
Who, or what is being revealed? Is it a flirtatious move or a serious conversation? You tell us!
Day 3 - 4/8: Will there be enough room?
Many of our favorite tropes are written with a pairing of two: grumpy/sunshine, golden retriever/black cat, enemies to lovers, the other male/female. How do they change when there’s more than two? How does your group of four or five fit in that inn’s only one bed? Take these tropes and flip them on their heads, or expand them for a larger group!
Day 4 - 4/9: Alternate Universe
Maybe it’s an alternate world, or a retelling of how canon would change if there were a larger romantic group. Perhaps your group is reminiscing on what could have been. What world will your group travel to? 
Day 5 - 4/10: Memories and History
What is your group remembering and why? Maybe it’s a memory of a favorite experience, or a painful one.  Is it a former partner, the day they chose to get together? 
Day 6 - 4/11: Courage
What does courage mean to you, or to your group? Courage to live freely, courage to go on an adventure, courage to try something new? The world is your oyster! 
Day 7 - 4/12: Why Choose?
Welcome to free day! Pick your favorite prompt ideas or tropes and mash them together, or take it literally and create a why choose scenario for your group.
We can't wait to celebrate with you this April! Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 1 year ago
When the Lightsinger Calls (I Hear a Symphony)
An Azriel Drabble
Azriel daydreams of his mate -Inspired by ‘I Hear a Symphony’ by Cody Fry
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I used to hear a simple song.
The warm winds of summer blew through the Illyrian mountains as Azriel sat sprawled on a thick branch fifty feet in the air, one leather covered leg dangling as the other stretched across the branch, his back resting against the trunk of an old Oak tree.
Cassian had been butting heads with Devlon for hours. Same shit, different day as they heatedly negotiated new terms for the training of Illyrian females. Devlon, of course, remained as stubborn as an ass. Even after decades of his bullshit, it never failed to chafe Azriel’s nerves that they were under the regime of the most powerful High Lord in Prythian’s history yet had to make nice with stuck-in-their-ways pricks like him. Today in particular had left Azriel feeling less than giving.
Cassian booted Azriel out of negotiations in record time, which admittedly, was likely for the best. Azriel’s dominant stance, deadly gaze, and violent whirling shadows were not best suited for these futile attempts of “sweet talking” Devlon out of his deeply rooted misogyny. If Azriel had his way Truth Teller would do all the talking, but diplomacy unfortunately took precedence.
He may have put up more of a fight when storming out of the Camp Lord’s office had Cassian’s weapon of choice today not had a unique way of toeing that line between diplomacy and force in a way that even Truth Teller could not. No blood spillage necessary, though, Azriel thought with a smirk, the weapon could do just that as well.
The warmth of the suns rays shining through the rustling leaves and the scratch of bark lightly grazing the sensitive membranes of his wings - hitting those spots he could never quite reach - had Azriel drifting off into a light dream state.
As he began to doze, shadows hummed around him, the whistling breeze mixing in with their whirring as they sensed for any incoming threats.
Blending in with their simple song, the creek nearby babbled with the sounds of trickling water, crickets chirped beneath rocks below.
His thoughts became more vivid as his conscience drifted deeper into sleep.
His jaw ticked, wings jerking slightly as he dreamed glimpses of deep red coating his marred skin from the countless souls he’d drawn blood from, lifeless bodies scattered across bloody battlefields, dark cells, the bright flare of roaring fire scalding a child’s hands, his shadows melody becoming broken as they attempted to soothe their master.
The melody became lighter as the flame in his dreams became flashes of light, blurred glimpses of a lovely face appearing in and out of his dreams. A soft laugh intertwined itself with his shadows, the solemn hymn becoming lighter, with vibrant bursts of energy leaving his heart fluttering. More images of the ethereal face flickered through his mind, soft blush dusted cheeks, a radiant white smile, supple fingers tracing the muscles of his chest, plush lips on bare skin, all appearing to the beat of the rising staccato. His lips quirked upward in his sleep as his guard dropped lower and lower and the melody continued growing louder, building into the crescendo of the loveliest symphony he’d heard yet, even in Prythian’s most renowned concert halls.
The music filled Azriel’s entire being, leaving him light as shadow, his flaws forging themselves from ugly into something beautiful, something worthy, as the melody carried his soul toward the light.
Just as his body began to slump out of the tree a sing-song voice brighter than day awoke him. “Careful, Shadowsinger. One might think you’re sleeping on the job.”
He looked down to his beautiful mate, the face his dream had called him to. “My little Lightsinger, did you give Devlon hell?”
She beamed. “Worked a little on him. The girls get seven more hours per week and Cass or I can do spot checks whenever we please. I’ll push for more when we meet again in a few months.”
“That’s my girl.” His eyes shone with the pride filling his chest as he launched out of the tree and swept her off her feet.
“Let’s go home.” She whispered, pressing a kiss to his nose. Azriel only blushed and did just as his lady said, the two falling into companionable silence as her light and his shadow mingled in harmony the entire flight back to Velaris.
And now I hear a symphony.
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lyssasdrafts · 11 months ago
my confession is that i’m an azris fan and in another world i would’ve made the three of them end up together for afterglow
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acourtofladydeath · 1 year ago
Multi/Poly X Reader ACOTAR Poll
I'd love to see you comment and/or tag your favorites! I know I personally would struggle to pick just one myself. Let me know if you prefer the pairing as poly or multi as well (poly being they all love each other, multi being one person is the center of all the love). What gender identity (if any) do you prefer for the reader to have with each ship? If your favorite option isn't there, please add it in the comments! There wasn't room for an "other" option, but I'm aware there's a lot more possibilities here!
Would be so grateful if you reblogged so this can reach as many people as possible! I've left the poll open for a week to see what results I get. LET ME KNOW ALL YOUR THOUGHTS!
Visit the Canon Character sister post here to cast your vote there as well!
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talesof-old · 1 year ago
spare me | e.v. & a.s.
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pairing(s): poly!azris x fem!reader
warning(s): slightly suggestive if you squint, mentions of beron vanserra, implied torture/injuries, fear of abandonment, fear of loved ones being hurt, saying i love you a little too early maybe, nonsexual nudity
word count: 1k
a/n: this is more angst than fluff but it ends on a happier note lmao
poly!azris + angst & fluff for my little celebration
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Being immortal was never easy.
With centuries spread out before you like the gaping mouth of some terrible beast, it threatened to consume every one of your relationships. Each would, most likely, be as fleeting as a mortal’s life. Fragile, finite.
Perhaps it was better to end things before they got too hard. It allowed for allies where there would be enemies.
But as you gazed into the amber eyes of your lover, your very soul ached at the notion. His eyes were lit with something wild, feral in the way only a cornered wild animal could be. Sorrow lined your face as you reached for him.
Beside you, Azriel lounged across the bed, his relaxed body betrayed only by the tense expression he wore. His wings were limp on the sheets: open, vulnerable.
You shouldn’t have said it. As soon as the words left your mouth you’d wished you could take them back. I love you had been easy. The frantic patter of your heart and the pain in your chest was not. Naked and satiated, tracing circles over Eris’ scars, you’d spoken your feelings.
Azriel rested a hand on the dimple of your back, supportive in his silence. You knew he’d felt the same, but perhaps he wasn’t so much of a fool to voice it.
“You can’t-“ Eris’ words brought you back to the present. He scrambled out of bed, hands trembling as he dressed. You pushed yourself up, thighs protesting, and watched as he tried to pull himself together. You gnawed on the inside of your cheek, muscles tight with tension.
“You can’t. You don’t.”
A sharp wave of anger shot through your blood. Who was he to dictate how you felt? Even if he did not feel the same.
“Don’t say that. Don’t tell me how to feel.” A humorless laugh echoed through the all too quiet room. The hair on your arms stood up, and Azriel finally allowed himself to move up from the bed.
“You don’t love me, you’re simply interested in the pleasure I bring you.” Your gut churned. Frustrated tears built up in your eyes but you will them away, voice sharp as you respond.
“You are more than a puppet to be used, Eris.”
He inhaled sharply.
The pause was all you needed, slowly removing yourself from the bed without sparing a sideways glance at your other lover. His shadows were curling around your limbs as if to keep you safe, but there was nothing to protect you from.
Eris stood still, barely breathing, as you approached. A wall of heat seemed to guard the air around him. You didn’t care. You reached for him, cool fingers making contact with burning skin, and simply stayed there. He would not push you away out of fear. And his was so palpable, the taste bitter on your tongue.
“If you don’t want this, tell me how to un-love you. Spare me the torment of wanting you but not having you.” You shook your head. “I would fight for the rest of my life for you, Beron Vanserra be damned.” His eyes fluttered shut as your hands skimmed over his chest, rising to cradle his jaw in your hands. Tension fell from him in waves.
“I can’t lose either of you.”
You sighed, stepping closer even still. Shadows slithered from your wrists to caress his pale skin. He kept his hands at his side, fists clenched as if to keep from touching you.
“My love,” you whispered. “Look at me.”
Moments ticked by. Azriel’s shadows were wound with tension, skirting over your figures in place of your partner’s hands.
Eris opened his eyes, red rimmed and glassy. You stroked the hard planes of his cheeks with your thumbs. The faintest freckles dusted the bridge of his nose and cheekbones, and you ached to still be lying in bed and tracing shapes between them.
“I’m not afraid of saying I love you, Eris Vanserra. Every fiber of my being longs for you. I don’t care if Beron himself hears me now.” He tensed all over again, even as you attempted to coax him out from behind his mountain high walls.
“You are worth it. To me, you’re worth everything.” A few stray tears fell from his eyes, though he didn’t make a sound. In a rush, you were wrapped in his embrace, his face buried in the crook of your neck.
“I’ll only cause you pain, suffering even.”
You huffed a laugh, tangling a hand in his hair.
“That’s my choice, love. Besides, it’s not you that’s causing me pain.”
He drew away, only to be swept up in the thick arms of your shadowsinger. They were much less affectionate with one another, but even Azriel understood that physical touch grounded Eris more than words ever really did. Eris, while taller, curled into the embrace.
“You’re stuck with us, fox.” Azriel’s low voice had you quirking up a brow.
“Come back to bed.” Unable to argue, Eris allowed the two of you to undress him, guiding him back to the silk sheets you’d begged them to purchase.
You curled up into his left side, pressing soft kisses to his shoulder.
“You’re worth more than you think, you have to know that.”
Eris’ fingers laced through yours, squeezing your hand gently. Azriel pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“We’ll be free one day, fox. I promise.” You glanced up, watching their exchange with soft eyes. Eris slotted his mouth against Azriel’s, sighing as he deepened the kiss. You rested your head on the redhead’s shoulder. A dark wing rose to cover your bodies, twitching as you lightly scraped the membrane with your nail.
Azriel huffed, pulling away from Eris and glancing down at you with a teasing gleam in his hazel eyes. “Needy.” You closed your eyes, nuzzling into the warmth of your partner. Even if this was destined to end sooner rather than later, at least there had been moments of love, of tenderness.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
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potatoplace · 13 days ago
Game Night
💖 Valentine's Collection 2025: Monopoly 💖
Nessian x Reader | Azris x Reader | Cazriel x Reader
Summary: Game night with your partners means three things: chaos, anger, and sexual tension.
Warnings: daddy kink oops, don't think there's anything else tho
Words: 1,224
Author's Note: this was soooo soo sOoo much fun omg. I loved Nessian's the most, cause they're the ones I had in mind when I made the poll 😂 and uhhh the Azris one... got uh. More daddy-y than I'd planned but I'm not mad. I hope you guys like it!! Read it on AO3!
18+ only pls
“No, no, NO!” Cassian yelled as the dice stopped on doubles sixes, moving him from your hotel on Marvin’s Garden to Nesta’s hotel on Boardwalk.
“Yes!” Nesta cheered, a fist pumping into the air. “You’re going down, pretty boy!”
Cassian rifled through his stack of money that had already been cut into heftily from his last turn, leaving him with just ones and fives, his cheeks red. “I swear, Nes, you’re going to land on Illinois and then Pennsylvania Avenue and give me everything back.”
“Fat chance, Cassie, I’m going to bleed. You. Dry,” Nesta hissed, her hands clawing at the edges of the table.
“Okay, let’s cool it a little bit, guys,” you interjected, hoping to alleviate some of the tension that was quickly building to an unstoppable point.
As usual.
“Yeah, Nes, take you turn,” Cassian sneered at her, and you shot him a dirty look. He at least had the decency to look ashamed for five seconds, that’s more than he normally would.
Nesta rolled the dice, Cassian chanting for her to get a seven under his breath, only to yell when she rolled an eight, skipping right past his hotel on Illinois in favor of one of her railroads. “Would you look at that, Cassian, I seem to owe no money to anyone at this table.”
You sighed and scooped up the dice, hoping that your turn would help distract them from each other. Your hands shook the dice and loosed them, landing on a solid four - leaving you on free parking, which currently held over $1000 in Nesta’s income tax landings.
“Oh, you bitch!” Nesta yelled at you, though her hand landed on your arm gently, reassuring you that she may be loud, but she’s not truly angry with you.
You giggled at her as you raked in your new stack of bills, your wealth nearly equal with hers now.
“Oh, fuck me,” Cassian groaned. He never liked when the two of you were on top, as you rarely made someone go bankrupt, and Nesta would loan you money if you needed some - you are her princess are all. Meaning Cassian would have mercy from you, but all of Nesta’s mercy had been given to you.
“I can certainly arrange that, if you can’t pay for Boardwalk the next time you land on it,” Nesta said with a smirk, her eyes promising that she would offer such a trade.
“Over my dead body,” Cassian said, grabbing the dice again and rolling a ten, landing him at Nesta’s hotel on Connecticut Avenue. “FUCK!”
“That will be $1000, Y/N,” Eris said from across the table, his amber eyes glinting as he watched you fidget in your seat.
You bit your lip as you looked from him to your stack of money, knowing that you had less than half of what you needed, and you’d already traded away most of your properties. “Can I owe you one?” You asked, knowing the limited likelihood that he would agree.
“No, that isn’t the rule of the game, bunny. You either pay up or go bankrupt, I’m sorry to say,” he said, though his smirk told you he wouldn’t be sorry. After all, whenever you went bankrupt you chose one of them to cuddle with until they finished battling it out.
You turned your gaze to Azriel, his hazel eyes already trained on you.
“How much do you need, bunny?”
You smiled and bit your lip before counting the money that you had left. “Uhm… $637?” Azriel counted out $700 for you and held his hand out, taking it back before you could take it. You rolled your eyes and stood up, going over by him to give him a long kiss, your mouths only separating when Eris coughed, annoyed. “Thank you, Azzie,” you said, giving him another kiss, on his cheek this time. “Here you go, Eris,” You said brightly, handing him the money.
“You know, it’s against the spiritual rules of the game to bail someone out, Azriel,” Eris said as he grabbed the dice.
“But she’s so adorable Eris, especially after you’ve rejected her offer of paying you back later. I mean,” he grabbed your cheeks and turned your head so you were facing him. “Could you say no to that face?”
Eris opened his mouth, but you slid your lip into a pout and squinted your eyes like you were going to cry.
He sighed. “No, I can’t. Come on, Y/N, just give up and come sit on daddy’s lap, hmm?” The request sent heat straight to your core, and your cheeks that Azriel was still holding onto.
“Or you could come sit on my lap, babygirl,” Azriel said, turning your face back to him. “I did just save you from bankruptcy.”
Your eyes flicked between the two of them.
“No, I think I’m fine for now, after all, I’m not bankrupt thanks to you, daddy,” you said softly, relishing in the light blush that dusted Azriel’s cheeks.
“See, Az? She does it every time!” Eris insisted, finally shaking the dice in his hands. “Just wait, you’ll be in my lap in no time, bunny.”
“Ah, shit,” Cassian groaned as you landed on Pennsylvania Avenue, where Azriel had just put up a hotel. “Do you have enough money to pay for that, baby?”
You rolled your eyes at him. You were doing far better than he was this game, having slightly tricked him and Azriel into giving you all of their pieces of lower-priced property, leaving you owning two sides of the board, utilities and railroads included.
“I think I do, Cassie, thank you though,” you smiled at him, pulling out the money that you owed Azriel.
“Thank you,” Azriel said quietly as he put the money away in the proper order, both of you sharing the vast majority of the money. “Time for you to go, Cassian. And you should be asking if you have enough money,” he pointed out, waving at the part of the board he was on: your territory.
“Oh, I’ll be just fine, I’m going to skate by on chance and community chest, brother,” Cassian boasted as he picked up the dice and rolled them.
You couldn’t help but giggle at him landing on one of your hotels a moment later, biting your lip to keep your joy from being too obvious. You’d always found it funny how confident Cassian was, even when he sucked at the game like he did with monopoly.
“Pay up, big guy,” you said, extending a hand.
“I don’t-“ he sighed loudly. “Fuck you, Azriel!”
“What did I do?” Azriel asked with a brow raised.
“Well, I can’t say that to Y/N, now can I?! So fuck you!”
Az rolled his eyes at him. “Can you pay her, or not?”
“Yeah, Cassie, it’s only right to pay your debts,” you teased as he began counting out money, coming up a couple hundred short. He grumbled as he picked off a few houses from his monopoly, and pushed the money into your hands.
“Thank you, Cass,” you said, catching his eyes. “You know I love you, no matter how poor you are in monopoly, right?”
He let out an amused huff, and grinned. “If you love me so much, will you give me one of your monopolies?”
“Not a chance.”
General Taglist: @daughterofthemoons-stuff @lilah-asteria @meritxellao @twismare @wrenisrad
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a-frog-with-a-laptop · 2 years ago
Every so often I just come back and read this fic. It’s as good as I remember it.
The Lady of Fire and Night
Azriel x Reader x Eris
Summary: The idea that stemmed from these anon asks: “poly reader makes eris and azriel wear a get along shirt when they’re fighting” to which I responded “she tries to withhold sex but they end up just having it with each other”
Warnings: Smut, az x eris while reader watches!
Word Count: 3,882
Notes: As if I didn’t just solidify my spot in the Azris community…
You throw your head backwards on the couch with an exasperated sigh as a loud thud comes from upstairs, nearly shaking the entire house on its frame.
It hadn’t been easy, finding out that you had two mates, and with males that absolutely loathe each other as well. There was always arguing, jealousy, heated arguments that you’d had to distance yourself from.
You figured the only way the would get along was if you didn’t have sex with either of them until they fixed their attitudes towards one another.
Apparently, it hasn’t been going well.
Keep reading
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readychilledwine · 1 year ago
✨️Poly+Acotar Week Masterlist✨️
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Details Coming Soon
Day 1: (4/7) Beginnings
The Story of Us
Nessian x Reader x Azriel
After Nyx is given a school assignment on family dynamics, The Inner Circle's quad is stuck trying to explain to Nyx why they all still live together.
Day 2: (4/8) Comfort
Matching Wounds
Feysand x Lyria Vanserra x Azriel
The first High Lord's meeting after the war with Hybern brings some old memories up that Lyria and Rhys would have rather forgotten, leaving their mates to try to patch together wounds they can't see.
Day 3: (4/9) Secrets
His, Yours, Mine
Poly!batboys x reader
Finding out you were pregnant should have been the best news. It's too bad you don't know which of your three mates is possibly the father, though.
(Slight hidden pregnancy trope. Angst to fluff)
Day 4: (4/10) Adventures
Home to Me
Elucien x Reader
After the death of Beron, Lucien is finally free to move to the Day Court, and he could not be more ecstatic to have you and Elain by his side
Day 5: (4/11) Favorite Tropes
Mister Grumpy Pantseses
Grumpy!Azris x Sunshine!Reader
All you wanted was a day in the vegetable garden with your husbands. Your husbands just wanted to spend the day at each other's throats.
(Angst and fluff)
Day 6: (4/12) Celebration
Happy Birthday, High Lord
Tamcien x reader
You and Lucien pulled all the stops for Tamlin's birthday this year. Now you just have to hope your mate appreciates it.
✨️ Day 7: (4/13) Free Day ✨️
Schedule Conflicts
Feysand x Lyria Vanserra x Azriel x Nessian
Azriel shouldn't plan dates when he's tired. Luckily, Lyria finds a solution that makes everyone happy. Game Night.
The Ruining of Seraphina
Inner Circle x Seraphina Vanserra
Seraphina should have known better than to make a bet against her mate. Especially when losing that bet means being free use for the Inner Circle for a week.
(It's just filth. 🤷🏼‍♀️)
For the High Lady
Poly!batboys x reader - can be read with or without reading the Auralism post in Valentines Day Bingo
Rhysand's generosity knew no bounds, not even when it came to sharing his mate with his brothers.
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maased-out · 5 months ago
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Hi everyone and get ready for another year of SJM fun! Below, you'll find a list of events for 2025.
NOTE: These events are meant to foster positivity within their respective fandoms. Negativity towards any specific event is not welcome.
NOTE: If you would like your event to be included on the maased-out calendar, please click here.
Bat Boys Appreciation Week (January 12- January 18)
Rhysta Weekend (January 17- January 19)
Jassa Week (February 2 - February 8)
SJM Romance Week (February 8 - February 14)
SJM Pride Week (February 23- March 1)
Koschlain Weekend (March 07-March 09)
Elain Week (March 30- April 5)
Poly + SJM Week (April 6- April 12)
Tamlin Week (April 12-April 19)
Nesta Archeron Week (April 21- April 27)
Elriel Month (May 1 - May 30)
SJM x Reader Week (May 4- May 10)
Emerie Week (May 11- May 15)
Nameless ACOTAR Weekend (May 16th- May 18th)
Azris Week (June 8- June 14)
Gwyn Week (June 15 - June 21)
Inner Circle Week (July 1- July 7)
Elucien Week (July 14- July 20)
Cassian Week (July 20- July 26)
Omegaverse Week (July 27-August 2)
Gwynriel Weeks (August 10- August 23)
Feylin Week (August 24- August 31)
Elain Archeron Week (August 31- September 7)
Eris Vanserra Week (September 14- September 20)
Nessian Week (September 21- September 27)
SJM Villain Week (October 1 - October 7)
Band Of Exiles Week (October 4- October 10)
Feysand Week (October 12- October 18)
Valkyrie Appreciation Week (October 19-25th)
Azriel Appreciation Week (November 9- November 15)
Archeron Sisters Appreciation Week (Dec 21-December 27)
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polysjmweek · 7 days ago
Types of CNM: Polyamory
Polyamory is a broad category can involve a central couple who decide to see other people individually or together in romantic or sexual situations, or it can be an individual person engaged in separate romantic and/or sexual situations. Some vectors could be ongoing relationships, others could be fleeting encounters. Each polyamorous relationship looks different, but there are several recognized subtypes:
Traditional triad/throuple: all partners are in romantic and sexual relationships with each other which includes one-on-one relationships between each person in the group, and the relationship between all three partners.
"Embers in the Wing" Nerissian by @chunkypossum
"Neopolitan Bonds" series, Azris/Reader by @nocasdatsgay
"Chasing Starlight" universe, Feysand/Reader by @whisperingmidnights
Closed V: In this subtype, two people share a romantic and sexual connection with a third, but not to each other. The hinge is the person who is connected with the other two.
"Burning in the Starlight" Feris and Feysand by @starfall-spirit
Quad: A quad is polyamorous relationship between four or more people that maintain some kind of romantic and sexual connection, but it’s not necessarily in every configuration. It’s common for at least one vector in the quad to have a close relationship but not a sexual one.
"The Story of Us" Nessian/Azriel/Reader by @readychilledwine
"Stairway Snoops" Azriel/Eris/Nesta/Cassian by @acourtofladydeath
Phew, that's a long one! But we hope you learned something and enjoyed reading all the examples. We'd love to expand this list! If you know of any fics within the Maasverse that feature quads, closed V's, or thouples/triads, let us know and we will add them to our collection.
Disclaimer: It’s important to understand when discussing any type or relationships “classification” that many relationships cannot be classified. Labels are not necessary, and sometimes can restrict the growth of an individual or situation. Some labels and classifications are also fluid and open to interpretation, so you may find different definitions depending on what reference you use. What’s most important is that all members are consenting and happy with the arrangement! These posts are intended as a guideline for individuals who may not be aware of the different types of CNM and are meant to be a jumping off point, not a strict definition.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 10 months ago
If you’re looking for an ACOTAR poly series, may I suggest Neapolitan Bonds? SO well written and the dynamic between the three is so believable. 10/10! 🤍🤎🩷
Neapolitan Bonds Master Post
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Pairing: Eris/Azriel/Reader | Summaries, Ratings, and Warnings on Posts | Ao3 Series Here
Series Summary: The various adventures of Eris, Azriel, and you, starting with the mating bond snapping and onward. All can be read as a stand alone and in various orders. Actual Order below.
Then There Were Three
The night the bond snapped
Be Good
Azriel uses you to rile up Eris through the bond
Now, Behave
Azriel receives his punishment for the events in Be Good
Sharing is Caring
Azriel has a surprise for you after the ball in Hewn City. Guest Starring Rhysand and Feyre
Even High Lords Need a Break
You and Azriel force Eris to take a break
A Lession In Heart Break
The big fight and after math. Part 1 - The Night it feel apart
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